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Tensions for Omkar 'Aata' from HRC!

Twist for Omkar 'Aata' from HRC!

Few days ago a social welfare organization leader has complained it to the State Human Rights Commission Chief Subhashan Reddy about the vulgarity and indecency in reality dance show ‘aata’ which is not only hurting the sentiments of kids but also influencing the lakhs of children watching the show all around the globe. In same sense, a case has been registered by Human Rights Commission and Chairman Subhashan Reddy has promised to look into the intricacies of these kinds of shows.

With in a week of time, child participants of this ‘aata’ and their parents have filed a counter mentioning that ‘aata’ hasn’t done any harm for the future of their kids and it was media’s fuss to make a controversy out of nothing. These parents even blamed few social workers who criticized ‘aata’ for building pressure on kids at a very tender age which is nothing less than Child Labour and Child Abuse.

Subhashan Reddy has taken a serious note of this issue and cleared that those reality shows which damage the future of kids will be banned immediately and why can’t it be ‘aata’ too. He even ordered that producers and directors of these shows will be taken to stringent punishments.

Although Omkar, the ‘aata’ concept maker has got the support from participants and their parents but his show has been seriously criticized by HRC and may it be banned if everything goes right.

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