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Heroine’s Hand On Tempting ‘HB’

Reema Sen who recently announced her name should be written ‘Reemma’ has revealed her weakness. She said that she has great tendency to own designer Hand Bags and cannot resist herself from putting her hand on any tempting hand bag when she is on shopping, She says that she prefers buying hand bag whenever she goes on shopping in any country under the sky. She also said that she likes Hand Bags than diamonds.

She also said that she likes to be touring in America and shortly planning a trip along with her friends where she will be purchasing a few 2010 model Hand Bags!

Well, what will be there in her hand bag in general! A make up kit, a comb, a mirror, some Credit Cards, little cash and a C-Packet (not a Condom Pack or Cigarette Pack but a Ferrari Rocher Chocolate Packet).

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